Sunday 4 September 2011

Character Research - 3/9/11

So far the characters i have thought about featuring in my film are;

A ten year old boy who died from drowning in the 1940-50s era.
A young boy who can see the dead boy in present time.
A single mother who worries about the young son and who he can see.

The dead boy will be wearing 1940-50s clothing or plain traditional pyjamas - also another idea for the boy is that he will always be dripping wet still from drowning. Ideally i would like the boy to be pale, which to do so i would have to get waterproof face paints so it doesn't run.

The younger boy will be wearing more modern 20th century clothing so it contrasts with the dead boy. Unlike the dead boys character there will be no alterations needed to the boys face (make-up etc).

The mother will be a single mum who is worrying about her son - she will be wearing simple clothing i.e. jeans and a t-shirt.

Also because i am using children as the main feature in my products i will need to get parental permission which states that i'm aloud the film them and show the finished work publicly.

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