Thursday, 8 September 2011

Audience Research

The genre of my trailer is a horror, and would suit a mainstream audience because horror is a popular genre. Successful films like The Omen and The Children (The Day) make me confident in what i'm trying to achieve with my products.
The Omen - 

The Omen has a certificate of 15, this suggests that it could include violent/scary scenes which would be unsuitable for younger ages. The poster in this particular profile used red and black to connote the horror genre which is very often seen in horror films, also because the film has a certificate of 15 it tells me that the film has been targeted at people 15 years of age and above. 

On the statistics above you can see that the main target audience for this film are 15-24 year olds with 61%, this tells me that these are the people i need to question conducting my primary research. Also people in the ages of 45 and above have 20%, this also tells me that i may need to pay some attention to there ideas and what they feel about the products. The main age group of this film are females with 63%, this tells me that i need to question more females than males when doing the secondary research as these are the people i need to reach out to with my work. Because of the finding above i need to focus my research on people between the ages of 15-24 and 45+.

The Children (The Day) -

 The Children (The Day) has a certificate of 18 which isn't shown above. This tells me that this film, compared to The Omen, may be a lot more 'gory' and have more violent scene unsuitable for the younger ages. Although this profile doesn't show the film poster, after researching it, i can see that the blood sprinkles of blood on the image suggests the gore theory i mentioned. Because the film is rated an 18, it tells me that possible viewers are those surrounding that age.

From the statistics above you can see that the main audience is, again, 15-24 year olds, from this i can see that these are the main target audience for horror films as it is apparent in both profiles. Again the same as The Omen people ages 45 and above are also those i need to target and get opinions from. On this profile you can see that the gender is really split in half, with males 52% and females 48%, i can now tell that i need to focus on both male and females when conducting primary research.

Empire Magazine - 

From the above magazine covers of Empire, you can see that they all stick to the same colour scheme and how they work with the actual feature, for example the hannibal cover used traditional fonts which connotes the film, the hellboy cover also fits in the the film being featured as it has more graphics applied to it i.e the masthead on fire, and the joker cover used more comedic fonts, which again represents the film. These covers have been constructed carefully in order to appeal the target market. Also the overall audience for Empire  is 76% Male, this shows in the magazine covers as they all have a sense of 'masculinity' on them wether it be fire, or the style of fonts.

Rue Morgue - 

The above magazine covers show Rue Morgue, which is an independent horror magazine. Immediately you can see the difference between the mainstream and this one. Rue Morgue tends to use more graphics on it and kind sort of a cartoon. Unlike Empire this magazine uses different colours, the titles on all issues of this magazine are exactly the same, except the colour, this suggest continuity and sense of professionalism even though its a independent magazine and is target at a more niche audience.

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